Case Study: CrossFit Override - Off The Tracks pt. 1

I was recently contacted by Nick + Marshall of CrossFit Override, they’re a local affiliate who we first met at one of our annual Battle for the Bell comps and they were looking to plan their first comp.

Since the previous events I’ve planned have all happened and are things of the past I wanted to take this opportunity of working with them to treat their gym and event as a case study to document and share the process.

When they first contacted me:

  • They were looking to run the event sometime towards the end of the summer which puts us about 3 months out.

  • The structure they were looking to run was a partner format with Rx + Scaled divisions.

  • They did not have any Architectural plans of their space

Step 1: Creating Base Sheets

The first thing we needed to do was create a base sheet to work off of. You can read more about the process in our Creating a Base Sheet blog post. Since they are a local I was able to stop by the gym and do the initial measurements and sketches myself.

They are incredibly lucky to have the space that they do and overall they’re approximately 8,000sf split between 3 areas - the Main Gym, the Lounge, and the Annex Gym. I basically ran around their gym with a notepad, a measuring tape, and a Laser Measurer (note - a Laser Measurer drastically increases the speed of this process). It took me a little less than an hour to get all the information I needed, you can see my chicken scratch sketches below. They don’t need to you look pretty - you just need to be able to read and understand what you wrote.

Overall their space is pretty wide open and any equipment that was out can be moved so I didn’t bother showing it on the drawings.

Sketch & dimensions of main gym floor area

Sketch & dimensions of Lounge area

Sketch & dimensions of Annex gym area

In addition to the sketches, I also snapped about 35-40 photos of their space. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular and was just looking to cover the space. The photos can help clarify things when converting the initial sketches into CADD drawings.

With the initial sketches and photos done we had enough data to start creating the base sheets in CADD. Typically there might be a couple of areas where I realize we missed a dimension or two which isn’t a big deal and it’s easy to add and correct. With Override I was lucky enough to get enough information after the first pass to get a complete base sheet.

Due to the size of their gym and since we’re not 100% sure on how much of it will be used for the comp I created one plan at 16th scale to show the entire space for reference, as well as two other plans at 8th scale which is the scale I’ll be using for the event drawings.

Base Sheet - 16th Scale

Main Gym Base Sheet - 8th Scale

Annex Gym Base Sheet - 8th Scale

While it doesn’t look like much this is a great start and where we need to be before we can start playing with events layouts and floor plan configurations.


Equipment Audit


Event Mock-ups